Davinci Smart Contrast V5

79,00 Preis inkl. MwSt / price including tax

Salamifish Smart Contrast let you determine your visual contrast feel of a shot without affecting the HDR behavior in a negative way.


Salamifish Smart Contrast is a colourspace aware tool, which softens the image or raises the contrast in a more natural way. The shadows level keeps maintained and the specular lights are also affected less. Therefor the image stays more natural even in a HDR grading. You can use it to match shots with hard light to shots lit more diffuse or change the overall contrast very quick.

(unlike in the video, the new version also supports Davinci Intermediate Colourmanagement)

Be aware that you need Davinci Resolve Studio for this dctl and try the demo first. The new Version has a fix for the compatibility with Resolve on Windows.


Gem. § 19 UStG wird die Mehrwertsteuer in der Rechnung nicht ausgewiesen. / According to § 19 UStG, tax is not shown in the invoice.


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